Spring Round-Up: MaRS Health Impact and MPO coverage

Spring Round-Up: MaRS Health Impact and MPO coverage

It’s been a busy spring at Insight Medbotics. We announced Fazila Seker as our new CEO and Holly Johnson’s appointment to the Board of Directors. Here are the other activities that kept us busy in Q2.

CEO Fazila Seker spoke at MaRS Impact Health on Thursday, May 4, 2023. Fazila discussed the company’s vision for an integrated MRI-robotics solution, covering some of the traditional challenges in the marketplace and how recent tech advances may make MRI imaging more flexible and affordable.

“The convergence of more accessible MRI imaging, artificial intelligence and robotics together offer unique opportunities for our technology to improve quality of life for patients,” she observed during her remarks.

Fazila’s pitch was well received by the audience, leading to angel network and investor introductions. “We’ve also connected with a number of future partners, including companies in the manufacturing space,” she confirmed.

Her presentation also drew positive commentary from young professionals in the audience, including biotech researcher Nirali Rathwa.

Fazila Seker from Insight Medbotics, is developing MRI-guided robotics that combines the insights only MRI can provide with the minimally invasive access and precision of robotics. She is a strong advocate for female professionals.

Fazila’s CEO appointment was also covered by Medical Product Outsourcing (MPO), a trade publication that shared the news on their website and via LinkedIn.

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Insight Medbotics is actively developing partnerships with companies in the AI software or accessible MRI spaces, along with therapy providers who would benefit from targeted, precision delivery.